TEL-390 — $350
The YBCO 4-Point Probe from TEL-Atomic makes it easy to measure the resistivity of a sample of superconducting tape. YBCO (Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide) was the first superconductor discovered with a critical temperature over 77K (the temperature of liquid nitrogen). The resistivity drops abruptly to 0 at about 93K. YBCO is a rigid ceramic and is not generally useful for practical applications due to its brittle nature. Superconducting tape consists of layers of copper and superconductor that creates a flexible and useful superconducting wire.
The package contains approximately 200mm of YBCO superconducting tape wrapped around an aluminum core. A PT-1000 temperature sensor is also included. This allows a precise measurement of the superconductors critical temperature.
TEL-391 — $295
The Copper 4-Point Probe from TEL-Atomic is a companion product to the YBCO 4 Point Probe. It is constructed exactly the same, but with copper strip instead of high temperature superconductor wire. The resistivity is easily measured as a function of temperature, and it does not show a superconducting transition. This makes it a great comparison to the HTS wire.
The package contains approximately 200mm of copper strip wrapped around an aluminum core. A PT-1000 temperature sensor is also included. This allows a precise measurement of the temperature and resistance.
This great little device permits the experimenter to achieve a slower temperature rise during the experiment. This means there is enough time to record the measurement data more accurately. It works great for all the superconducting kits. (Not exactly as pictured)